Ember fire
Ember fire

ember fire

Near a gate that can be opened to provide a shortcut back to the Church of Yorshka.

  • x1 found on a corpse under the stairs to the left of Pontiff Sulyvahn's arena.
  • The corpse on the right holds the Ember while the corpse on the left holds Sacred Flame.
  • x1 found on a corpse in the lava in the room where Knight Slayer Tsorig waits.
  • A nearby Smouldering Ghru will attempt to ambush the player from behind if not dealt with beforehand.
  • x1 found on a corpse in dead-end hall under the Old King's Antechamber bonfire.
  • Guarded by a Demon Statue and a Smouldering Rotten Flesh.
  • x1 found on a corpse in a hallway across a hole in the floor from an Estus Shard.
  • x1 found on a corpse against the railing shortly after the Demon Ruins bonfire.
  • This room is designed to trap the player in for Knight Slayer Tsorig's invasion if the shortcut has not yet been opened.

    #Ember fire full

  • x1 found on a corpse in the shortcut to the room full of Skeletons.
  • x1 found on a corpse behind a large hole in the floor at the end of the hallway just before the second Skeleton Boulder.
  • x1 found on a corpse in the middle of the large staircase/bridge with the first Skeleton Boulder.
  • x1 found on a corpse to the right of the path shortly before the Abyss Watchers fight.
  • x2 found on corpses near the Stray Demon.
  • x1 found on a corpse against the Keep walls near the White Birch tree, left of the door leading out of the swamp.
  • x1 found on a corpse overlooking the second Giant Slave.
  • x1 found on a corpse in a dead end room beneath the afore-mentioned ladder.
  • Guarded by an Evangelist and must be accessed via a ladder in the room below.
  • x1 found on a corpse behind the crossbow sniper beyond the first Giant Slave.
  • Guarded by a Large Devout of the Deep hidden in the corner.

    ember fire

    x1 found on a corpse in front of a small group of non-hostile worshippers just beyond the first unlocked door to the building.x1 found on a corpse near a fire under the bridge that connects the building leading to the Crystal Sage fight.x1 found on a corpse in front of the Corvian Storyteller near the entrance to Halfway Fortress.x1 found on a corpse on the bottom floor of the Giant Archer's tower.x1 found on a corpse hanging off the side of the small arched stone bridge near the end of the area.x1 found on a corpse near the stairs leading to the Curse-Rotted Greatwood arena.x1 found on the corpse closest to the base of the White Birch tree.x1 found on a corpse behind the large tree with the Evangelist and large crowd of Peasant Hollows.x2 found on corpses near the fountain with the patrolling Winged Knight.x1 drops from the Pus of Man shortly after the Tower on the Wall bonfire if it is allowed to fully transform before being killed.×1 found on a corpse in front of the Lothric Wyvern.x1 drops the from the Pus of Man to the right of the High Wall of Lothric bonfire if it is allowed to fully transform before being killed.x1 found outside on a corpse at the end of the path to the right of the entrance, guarded by a Starved Hound.x1 found outside on a corpse directly above the main entrance.×4 sold for 2,000 souls each after pillaging the Undead Settlement.×3 sold for 2,500 souls each after giving her the Mortician's Ashes.×6 sold for 2,000 souls each after giving her Greirat's Ashes if they were found in Grand Archives.×3 sold for 2,500 souls each after giving her the Grave Warden's Ashes.×6 sold for 2,500 souls each after giving her the Dragon Chaser's Ashes.Lothric Wyverns in Lothric Castle (×2 each).Reward for successfully defeating a boss in another player's world.

    Ember fire